What is Worship like?

We don’t care what clothes you wear or what kind of shape your spiritual life is in. God meets you and loves you where you are. Our Traditional Sunday Worship is piano and/or organ led.

Holy Communion

You are welcome, without exception. No need to be a member of Good Shepherd. If you are hungry and thirsty for unbounded grace, mercy, and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, you are welcome at Christ’s table. Holy Communion is offered the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month.

We Love Kids!

We like a noisy sanctuary. Seriously! A noisy worship space is full of life, and we think kids are leaders in worship and lives of faith. Just look around you.

No Introductions!

If you’re visiting for the first time, no one will ask you to stand up and introduce yourself. We promise! Relax, find a good seat, and focus on worshiping God with us. We would love to know you’re here, so say hello to Pastor Cheryl afterwards!

Follow along and participate as you feel comfortable.

We have a worship screen to direct you in worshiping God with us, and the order of worship for each worship service is in the bulletin. Sing as loud or quiet as you like (whether it’s on-key or not!). During call and response times in worship, feel to join us as directed, or sit back and do so in your heart. But please do it with Jesus first in your mind. We are a pro-participation community.